Why does lebron call himself king?

Some said that James proclaimed himself. That he shouldn't go around calling himself “The Chosen One” or “The King”, without knowing that the first nickname was given by the media.

Why does lebron call himself king?

Some said that James proclaimed himself. That he shouldn't go around calling himself “The Chosen One” or “The King”, without knowing that the first nickname was given by the media. As for the second, it remained a mystery. As for the original story of this name, there are a lot of stories about how a high school player became king. Although some believe that LeBron himself declared to call him the King because he believed he was better than other players.

LeBron James, one of the most iconic basketball players on the planet, is a four-time NBA champion, three-time NBA Finals MVP and a two-time Olympic gold medalist. In the case of LeBron James, it is no different and dates back to a time before he set foot on an NBA court.

Sondra Krishnan
Sondra Krishnan

Devoted tv ninja. Award-winning web expert. Total bacon trailblazer. Amateur travel buff. Total burrito nerd.