What is the shortest time someone has ever played in the nba?

JamesOn Curry, Los Angeles Clippers (3.9 seconds). If you blinked, you might have missed JamesOn Curry's NBA season.

What is the shortest time someone has ever played in the nba?

JamesOn Curry, Los Angeles Clippers (3.9 seconds). If you blinked, you might have missed JamesOn Curry's NBA season. Initially, Foster signed a contract with Exhibit 10 (basically a pre-season contract), but his game was good enough to guarantee a back-and-forth deal. However, not everyone can become a legend, so players who barely made it to the league also deserve a moment in the spotlight, due to how difficult it is to even reach the top flight of basketball.

A common theme on this list is that many players with limited gaming action in the NBA have played in recent seasons.

Sondra Krishnan
Sondra Krishnan

Devoted tv ninja. Award-winning web expert. Total bacon trailblazer. Amateur travel buff. Total burrito nerd.